The Hierarchy of Needs for Creative Businesses

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The Hierarchy of Needs for Creative Businesses

Are you familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

I vaguely remember learning about it in psychology at uni… (it’s been too long since those days, ha!)

But after reading an article about about self-actualization, here’s a refresher:

 The hierarchy of needs is Maslow’s theory of motivation with five tiers or phases outlining the needs that affect our behaviours.

It looks something like this:

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

And it got me thinking, does this theory apply to our businesses too?

The short answer: Yep! With a slightly different POV 😉

Because after seeing what my clients go through in their business journeys (and having gone through my own experiences), there’s a certain combination of feelings and situations that put us in the best possible position to build, support and run our businesses.

It’s like a computer having all the essential “parts”—where one tier or part can’t work its magic if another one is missing.

So let’s take a look at how this hierarchy relates to us as business owners.

1. Basics

The truth is, we can have the best plan of action, all the confidence in the world, or the most supportive team.

But if the basics aren’t met (enough food, water, shelter, time, energy, support, wi-fi, etc.) it’s tough for any plan to move forward, right?

I mean, I’m definitely not at my business-best when I’m feeling sick or hangry 🤣

Same goes for when we’re overwhelmed or low on energy. It’s a struggle to show up and follow through with the work that needs to happen in our businesses.

So take care of yourself (so you can take care of your business)—so your business can also take care of you.

✨ Questions to Ask Yourself: What can I do to protect my energy and time? What type of help can I look or ask for? How can I create better emotional, mental or physical boundaries? What do I need to feel nourished or supported?

2. Direction

Once the basic needs are met, there’s more capacity to focus on the next steps.

Direction is about having a clear vision for what you feel compelled to do next.

 It’s the intentional or inspired plan of action you want to take right now, and in the near future.

The thing is, you don’t need to map out every detail of a 10 year plan (how often do these go according to plan anyways? 😛) It’s okay to get a little more intimate with those daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly plans too.

Create the doable plan that works for you and your business and remember, it’s okay if your plans change.

✨ Questions to Ask Yourself: Where do I need to feel more focused or clear? What direction do I want to take in this season of my business? What adjustments can I make to my current plan of action?

3. Momentum

Next up is the ebb and flow of momentum in our businesses.

No matter where you are in your business, it’s normal to feel the highs and lows as you launch a new offer or product from scratch, pivot your audience or services, or blend the multi-talented sides of yourself into one creative business.

It’s also natural to feel disconnected or doubtful along the way from the “unknowns.”

And the thing with momentum? It takes more than having enough time, energy or nourishment. It takes more than having a detailed plan or vision.

It takes having that extra passion and excitement too.

Momentum thrives on passion.

And when we’re passionate about our work, it’s easier to start doing that work more often.

✨ Questions to Ask Yourself: What feels fun and easy to do right now? What’s the smallest step I can take today, tomorrow? Which of my goals feels the most doable right now? What scary yet exciting idea/project has been on my mind forever?

4. Stability

It’s common to feel like stability, especially financial stability, should be part of the “basics” tier, and that nothing else can happen without it. And there’s some truth to that.

We need a certain level of money to fulfill our most basic life needs.

But when it comes to having a business that thrives for the long term, all the other pieces need to be in place and working together too, like:

  • Understanding your truth, values, messaging and audience.
  • Having clear systems, processes and offers/services in place.
  • Connecting with those who support and uplift you.
  • Sharing your voice and expertise on the platforms that work best for you.
  • Caring for yourself in each season of your life and business.

Your business is an ecosystem and once the foundations—the seeds—are in the ground, it’s up to you to stabilize the progress by knowing when to trust, nurture, adapt, wait or experiment.

✨ Questions to Ask Yourself: What areas of my business would benefit from more stability and why? What does financial stability look like in my business? How can I create more flow or stability in my days?

5. Purpose

Whenever you find yourself questioning your business direction or vision, go back to the what, why and how.

What led me to starting my creative business?

Why do I want to continue building my business?

How is my business making a positive difference?

Go back to the very heart of it all. Your reasons for doing all of this.

Maybe it’s as simple as having the freedom and fulfillment to live and work how you choose, while giving back to the community through the causes you believe in.

And while these details are personal and unique to each of us, our core business purpose can shift and evolve over time too.

Knowing our purpose doesn’t mean the work is easy either. But it keeps us grounded as we navigate along our unique paths.

✨ Questions to Ask Yourself: How can I better embrace what I’m working on in my business right now? What does freedom or fulfillment mean in my life and business? How has my purpose changed or stayed the same since I first started?

A few more words…

These tiers aren’t linear or a one-time phase. We’ll likely move through them at different stages throughout our lives and work, which is totally normal and okay.

So here’s the hierarchy from a creative business perspective:

My take on the hierarchy of needs (from a business lens!)

So wherever you are in your business right now, here’s to finding more of what you need as you continue along your journey.

Whether it’s meeting the basics, rediscovering your direction, gaining momentum, having more stability, or tuning in to your purpose.

Enjoy this season in your life and business and remember:

Respect the challenges, honour the lessons and learnings, keep trusting yourself, and show up in your business as your magical, awesome self!

Until next time,

Portia ❤️

P.S. Has 1-on-1 business coaching been on your mind for awhile? Book a pressure-free chat with me here and let’s see if we’re meant to make some magic together!

A quick note: This was originally shared with my Intentional Letters community in August 2021. I’m sharing it here on the blog too in case it inspires, encourages, and empowers you in your own creative journey. And if you’d like to receive more monthly intentional letters like these, sign up below! You’ll also get access to my “Reframe Your Mindset” workbook.

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