What Season in Business Are You In?

bird's eye view of a road with trees changing colours

What Season in Business Are You In?

Business, like life, is cyclical.

The seasons in our business might not align with the world’s natural seasons. And that’s okay.

In business, there’s no exact timeframe, plan or magic spell that says, “this is when it’ll happen, this is when you’ll get what you want, or this is when it’ll all unfold.”

But if we lean in and trust the natural order of things, when we believe in the timing of our business and our lives, it’s easier to accept that things will happen when we’ve shown up, done the work, waited, rested and repeated.

While inviting as much ease, flow and gentle action into our lives too.

So what season in business are you currently in?

Let’s take a look at where you might be and what you can focus on:

🌱 Spring: The season of growth and creation.

Spring is budding with new possibilities and bright ideas.

It’s a time where you’re energized and ready to plant new seeds of opportunities—when you feel clear and purposeful about your next steps.

There’s a sense of hope, confidence and adventure.

And you might be feeling focused, motivated and ready to “spring” into action.

What to focus on:

It’s easy to harness this newfound energy and start spreading these seeds without a second thought, but here’s a reminder to be intentional.

Choose the seeds and opportunities that resonate the most with you, the ones you feel will serve you best when they bloom.

Then create a vision for your garden, your business, in this season and beyond to help you stay on track.

🌻 Summer: The season of passion and flow.

Summer is when you and your business are flourishing.

The days are filled with accomplishments from your thriving offers, dream clients or passion projects.

You’re still maximizing your time and efforts, making things happen, and your momentum is solid.

To keep things flowing, continue watering and tending to the steady growth you’ve been building up since the spring.

What to focus on:

Celebrate this season in your business! You deserve it.

And remember to nurture what’s growing well by deepening your connections and keeping those passions, projects, or opportunities alive and well.

Now’s the time to have a little more fun too, because why go into business if we can’t enjoy it when things are thriving?

🍂 Fall: The season of change and ease.

Fall is a beautiful time of transformation and change.

It’s also a time of ease and coziness after reaping the rewards of your hard work from the spring and summer.

Now’s the time to appreciate where you currently are, to acknowledge your efforts and growth, and to be conscious of what your business needs next.

What to focus on:

As you get comfy, you might like to feel more grounded and prepared too.

What else could your business benefit from? What kind of support would feel wholesome and sustaining?

Maybe it’s time to look at honing your skills and knowledge, upgrading your software, outsourcing tasks, or investing in a coach to help you reach your next business phase.

❄️ Winter: The season of rest and introspection.

When your winter arrives, it’s time to fully embrace it.

Your mind, body, and business may be calling you to slow down. Honour that call.

This season is often the hardest to endure. Because it goes against everything we want to do or achieve.

But do your best to give yourself the break you need.

What to focus on:

Resting, reflecting and restoring. Let go of the old stories and feelings you’ve been harbouring.

Rest and treat yourself to your favourite self-care activities.

Reflect on how far your business has evolved, what’s working well, and what could improve.

Restore your energy levels and see where you can optimize your routine, workflow or boundaries.

Tune inwards and trust that you’ll be ready to embark on your next amazing thing soon.

No matter what season you’re in right now, it’s okay to stay there longer, to slowly transition into the next season, or to experience a quick shift where our winter suddenly feels like a midsummer’s day.

And even though it’s natural to expect the unexpected, my hope is that you honour and respect the current season you’re in.

Because any season is a beautiful one.

Until next time,

Portia ❤️

P.S. If you’d like to plant seeds or make waves this season in your business, I’d love to chat! Whether it’s pruning your website copy or taking inspired action with 1:1 business coaching, book a connection call with me here and let’s discover what you’d like to achieve in your spring, summer, fall or winter.

A quick note: This was originally shared with my Intentional Letters community in May 2021. I’m sharing it here on the blog too in case it inspires, encourages, and empowers you in your own creative journey. And if you’d like to receive more monthly intentional letters like these, sign up below! You’ll also get access to my “Reframe Your Mindset” workbook.

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